
SAMPRACE is a project funded by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR).


SAMPRACE gathers two French teams that yield expertise in climatological statistics (extreme value theory, stochastic weather generators…), chaotic dynamical systems (recurrences, ergodic theory), statistical mechanics, and climate modelling.


Pascal Yiou (PY) is a « Directeur de Recherche » at CEA. His research focuses on the modelling of climate extremes. He is recognized as one of the world leaders in the field of statistical climatolology. He has coordinated four ANR projects since 2005, and several FP and Climate KIC projects. He is a laureate of an ERC advanced grant (2014–2019) on analogues of circulation.

Soulivanh Thao (ST) is a « research engineer » at CEA. He is an expert in computer science, statistics and extreme event attribution.

Davide Faranda (DF) is an expert in dynamical systems and statistical mechanics for climate applications.

Camille Cadiou (CC) is a PhD student. She graduated from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. She works on the simulation of extreme cold spells.

Robin Noyelle (RN) is a PhD student. He graduated from X-Corps des Mines. He works on simulations of extreme heatwaves, investigate their relation with the atmospheric circulation, and the application of rare event algorithms.

George Miloshevich (GM) is a postdoctoral fellow. He works on machine learning methods to emulate committor functions to predict extreme heatwaves.

ENS Lyon

Freddy Bouchet (FB) is « Directeur de Recherche » at CNRS (physics, section 02) and leads the group on « Climate and statistical mechanics » in the physics department at ENS de Lyon. He is recognized as one of the world leaders in this field. He is laureate of an ERC consolidator grant (2014—2019), dedicated to the computation of rare events with applications in turbulence and climate. He has been the PI of two ANR grants and has participated to two more. FB will devote a large part of his research activity to the development of new theoretical and numerical approaches aimed at studying climate extremes and climate variability.

Corentin Herbert (CH) is a specialist of statistical physics applied to turbulence and climate.

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